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Breast Revision Overview

Achieve Your Desired Look With Breast Revision Surgery

Not all breast revisions are due to surgeon error. While a few breast augmentations do end with an undesirable outcome, in some cases, a person might want larger or smaller implants or may have developed a shape deformity and prefer to have the implants corrected or removed entirely.

Our skilled team of plastic surgeons, Dr. James Romanelli, Dr. John Layliev, and Dr. Yee Cheng Low, specialize in breast revision in Long Island after an in-depth evaluation to ensure the desired outcome is delivered.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Breast Revision Surgery in Long Island?

Should you have any worries or concerns after breast augmentation surgery, whether they are medical or cosmetic, please schedule a consultation with us to discuss your needs and desires so we can craft a custom breast revision surgical plan. You may have developed capsular contracture, breast drooping, ripples, or uneven breasts, and breast revision surgery can resolve these issues and restore the breasts you envision. Breast revision surgery may also be appropriate if you want to alter the implant style, size, or another aspect of your implants.

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What to Expect From Breast Revision Surgery

Breast revision surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period varies depending on the complexity of the surgical intervention. For example, if a different-size implant is being placed, a breast lift may be needed to address wrinkled or loose skin. A revision that needs any type of reconstruction or grafting has a longer recovery, which could last up to six to eight weeks. Most patients will slowly start to see the new breasts looking beautiful once the bruising and swelling start to disappear. The most crucial aspect of revision breast surgery is to attain a result that is both pleasing to the eye and comfortable.

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Breast Revision | North Shore Cosmetic Surgery

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What Are Common Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery?

This cosmetic surgery either removes an implant that is not functioning properly or an implant that is no longer desired. Breast revision surgery may also be performed to replace an implant because of sizing or going from saline to silicone (or vice versa). Other common cases when a revision surgical treatment is recommended include:

  • Implant rupture: While this rare, breast implant rupture can occur. When a saline implant ruptures, the implant will deflate quickly, and the deflation will be noticeable. Meanwhile, if a silicone implant ruptures, it is only detected via an MRI. Either way, when a rupture occurs, a second surgery will be necessary.
  • Capsular contracture: While most augmentations do create some internal scarring, most patients will never know. In some situations, the hardening tissue alters the implant placement, changing the breast shape, and resulting in an undesirable outcome. If this happens, scar tissue removal surgery to clear away scarring would be necessary.
  • Asymmetry: This condition occurs when the implants look uneven. This may be because the incorrect size implant was used, or because of lack of tissue on one side, or a different condition that would cause asymmetry. An assessment and diagnosis are required to determine the cause of the asymmetry, and revision surgery performed to resolve the issue and achieve a balanced look.
  • Symmastia: Symmastia occurs when breast implants are too close to each other. This is usually because the breast implant chosen was the incorrect width, shape, or size. Breast revision surgery will repair this visible deformity by utilizing an implant that works your frame and looks proportionate.
  • Bottoming out: This is a condition that can happen when one or both breasts drop too low. In many cases, this is a placement issue from the original surgical procedure. To correct this, a different implant placement method or tissue tightening may be considered.  For some patients, tissue grafting may also be needed to surgically create a pocket to stabilize the new implant.
  • Implant rippling: Implant rippling occurs when you see visible wrinkles and ripples under the skin. This deformity typically forms near the edges of the implant. Rippling is generally found in women who are very thin. Many times, this issue can be corrected by simply changing out to a silicone breast implant, changing the implant pocket, or with fat grafting.
  • Breast size changes: Sometimes, breast revision surgery is as clear-cut as attaining a different size breast implant. During the first surgery, you may have gone too big or too small. A different implant size can be switched with the original to achieve the desired aesthetic goal.

Why Choose North Shore Cosmetic Surgery for Your Breast Revision in Long Island?

Breast revision surgery is often a more complex procedure than an augmentation. You want to ensure your surgery is performed by a talented surgeon who can resolve all of the issues you are experiencing and create the look you want. Our team of board-certified plastic surgeons in Long Island is exceptionally qualified and has treated countless women facing the prospect of needing a revision with remarkably beautiful results. Our surgeons have extraordinary skills and are arguably among the most accomplished breast surgeons in the nation. You will be under the care of a true professional with a reputation for excellence in these custom procedures and who provides concierge-style, personalized service.

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Contact Us About Breast Revision Surgery

Breast revision in Long Island is a custom procedure tailored to your specific needs by our plastic surgeons at North Shore Cosmetic Surgery. If you are not happy with your breast augmentation results or want to change breast size, we invite you to call our Melville, NY, office to schedule your appointment today. There are numerous factors to consider, and we will give you a full physical exam, create your revision options, and discuss your options.

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