Breast Augmentation Before and After Gallery by Dr. James Romanelli Patient 297661
- Breast Augmentation
- Age: 40 - 49
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Black
- Height: 5’ 6” - 6’ 0”
- Weight: 100 - 149 lbs
- Gallery Reference No:
- 33737
Breast Augmentation Using a Dual Plane Lift at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery
This patient, in her early 40s, was finished with childbearing and wanted some reworking of her breasts when she came to Dr. Romanelli in our Huntington, New York, plastic surgery office. She wanted more fullness but also hoped that her nipples could be lifted. Her exam showed that the skin of her breast was sagging and that there was little fullness in the upper part of her breasts. Dr. Romanelli recommended a breast augmentation using a Dual Plane lift. She chose incisions beneath the fold of her breasts. Through the small incisions in the breast fold, we placed her breast implants (saline) and performed a dual-plane internal lift. Surgery was performed in our ambulatory surgical suite in less than one hour and after an additional hour in our recovery suite (with a private nurse by her side). She had a quick recovery and has returned to all her lifestyle activities. You can see in her after photos show that she has fullness at the top of her breasts, which she had lacked. You can also see that the skin has been filled out and lifted without visible scars. She is really comfortable in her own skin and happy to wear whatever she likes.