Breast augmentation surgery can do more than change your body. It can change your life! At Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery, we create attractive and natural-looking outcomes with the help of breast implants at our clinic. Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. James N. Romanelli and Dr. John Layliev are skilled in performing this procedure so you can get the results you want.
If you consider yourself an active or athletic person, you may be wondering when you can get back on your feet after breast augmentation. When you schedule a private consultation at our office in Huntington, NY on Long Island, we can address your questions about recovery and working out after breast augmentation. Learn more by making an appointment today.
How we perform breast augmentation surgery
Once we determine you are a candidate for breast augmentation, we suggest saline or silicone implants based on your body type and shape. We will also discuss the differences between the materials, incision placement, and implant location prior to your surgery. Dr. Romanelli or Dr. Layliev will explain how each of these options will have an impact on your overall recovery timeline.
During surgery, the incision is created and the implant will be placed into the proper position. Techniques include over the pectoralis muscle and behind your native breast tissue, underneath the pectoral muscle, or under a layer of fascia just over the muscle. Regardless of where the incision is created, any future scarring can be hidden within the natural breast crease. Afterward, patients are taken into a recovery area and monitored prior to being released.
Breast augmentation recovery
The staff at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery gives patients a set of instructions for safe healing and recovery at home. These guidelines include information about working out after breast augmentation and what to do in the event of concerning situations, such as excess bleeding or chest pain after strenuous exercise. At this time, it is essential to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard in order to protect the incisions and breast tissue.
After surgery, patients are instructed to wear a compression garment to reduce uncomfortable side effects, such as bruising and swelling. These will start to decrease as the breasts settle into their new positions on the chest. Although everyone experiences breast augmentation recovery differently, most people can return to daily activities within the first week or so. By the end of the process, you should be able to see fuller, augmented breasts, and a wonderful new silhouette. Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery is proud to produce these results for individuals in Huntington, NY.
Working out after breast augmentation
We realize it’s tempting to jump back into your normal exercise routine right away, but we want you to take things slow. In the first couple of weeks after cosmetic surgery, patients can take walks around the house or their neighborhood to encourage healthy circulation and avoid blood clots. It is important to consult with either Dr. Romanelli or Dr. Layliev before working out too soon and setting back the recovery process. If you experience chest pain after strenuous exercise, stop immediately and reach out to our office as soon as possible.
Once you feel more comfortable in your new body, you can ease back into light workouts and lower body exercises. Some off-limits activities may include running, swimming, and weight lifting. In fact, patients should wait at least six weeks or longer before trying any form of vigorous upper body exercise or physical activity. This timeline may be affected by your overall health and adherence to post-op instructions. Your plastic surgeon will have specific knowledge of your medical history and needs, so we ask that you follow their advice.
Listen to your body
Breast augmentation surgery is safe and effective for many patients, and creates beautiful results. At Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery, our staff is proud to offer this procedure. Dr. James Romanelli and Dr. John Layliev are skilled practitioners who can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted. If you are concerned about the recovery process, we encourage you to talk to our team. Our most important piece of advice is to listen to your body and follow your guidelines as given. Learn more about breast augmentation recovery and what to do in case of chest pain after strenuous exercise by contacting our clinic for a personal consultation in Huntington, NY.