Even though breast augmentation is a safe and effective procedure for countless women across the U.S., every surgery comes with some risk. Sometimes, breast revision surgery is required to remove or replace breast implants. Whether you experience a medical complication or simply desire to change your appearance, Dr. James Romanelli and Dr. John Layliev are board-certified plastic surgeons who can help patients in the Long, Island, NY area.
But what is breast revision, and when should you have breast implants replaced? If you have concerns about revision surgery, we encourage you to schedule a visit to Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery in Huntington, NY. Our staff can give you information about the process and let you know what to expect. With our years of experience, you can achieve the outcome you want. Learn if you are a candidate for breast implant revision below.
What is breast revision surgery?
You may be wondering – what is breast revision surgery? Even though breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries, sometimes patients are dissatisfied with their results. Not all breast revisions are because of a medical complication or surgical error, however. Some individuals desire larger or smaller implants, while others prefer to have the implants removed altogether. Our team of plastic surgeons may suggest breast revision surgery after performing an in-depth evaluation.
Candidates for breast implant revision
Long Island, NY area patients considering breast implant revision should first get a consultation. During this appointment, we perform a physical examination and take a detailed medical history. When you meet with Dr. Romanelli or Dr. Layliev, we can discuss any issues you may have, as well as your ideal outcome. Regardless of your reasons to get surgery, patients should be in good general health and have realistic expectations for their results. Candidates must also wait until they are completely healed from their original breast augmentation.
Patients undergo a revision procedure for any of the following reasons:
Capsular contracture: this occurs when your natural scar tissue tightens and squeezes the breast implant. The tissue may become painful or appear firm and distorted.
Rippling or wrinkling: if you do not have enough natural breast tissue to cover the implant, or choose implants that are too large, you may experience visible wrinkling through the skin.
Rupture: when the silicone shell of an implant tears or breaks open, this may result in a leak or rupture. A saline rupture results in the deflation of the breast tissue, while an MRI can detect a silicone implant rupture.
Implant shifting: if the implants have shifted or moved around in the chest wall, revision surgery can bring them back to the appropriate location.
Asymmetry: although it is almost impossible to achieve perfect breast symmetry, revision can help correct a noticeable difference in tissue size.
Conditions that prevent you from breast implant revision
Because of certain medical conditions, it is not uncommon for a healthcare provider to deny a patient revision surgery or suggest an alternative course of treatment. For example, chronic health issues, such as heart disease or diabetes, can lead to post-operative problems. If this is the case, Dr. Romanelli or Dr. Layliev can offer advice about how to move forward with your safety in mind.
Smoking and pregnancy may also prevent you from revision surgery. Because nicotine constricts the blood vessels, smoking greatly affects the healing process. Long Island, NY area women who are pregnant are also not qualified because surgery may harm your unborn child. If we suspect that breast implant revision may be unsafe due to smoking, pregnancy, or other reasons, Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery will work with you to come up with an appropriate solution.
When should you have breast implants replaced?
So when should you have breast implants replaced? The average silicone or saline implants may last between 10 – 20 years. However, there is no standard expiration date for breast implants. Most surgeons feel that if you are still happy with your results and there are no medical complications, there is no need to perform revision surgery. If you decide to remove or replace your implants for cosmetic reasons, our clinic is happy to accommodate you as well. If you do notice a sudden change in the shape or size of your breasts, reach out to Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery right away for an examination.
Schedule breast revision surgery
Widely known as the top breast revision surgeons in the Huntington, NY area, board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. James Romanelli and Dr. John Layliev are committed to using the most advanced techniques available along with a patient-first approach. At Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery, we adapt our procedures to each patient’s unique needs and cosmetic goals. If you are interested in learning more or scheduling a breast implant revision consultation, do not hesitate to reach out to our team.