Breast revision surgery is necessary for many of our Long Island, NY patients at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery. Not all breast revisions are because of surgeon error, but also because of other health problems, complications, the need to replace implants after a period of time, or just the patient changing her mind. Our board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. James Romanelli and Dr. John Layliev, perform breast revision surgery only after a thorough consultation with the patient so we can provide the desired outcome more successfully.
Who is an ideal candidate for breast revision surgery?
During your private consultation at the offices of Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery, our surgeons will discuss your specific needs or concerns to determine your customized breast revision surgery plan. Issues such as drooping breasts, skin rippling, uneven breasts, and scar tissue can all cause deformities that can be corrected with breast revision surgery. For those who want to change the size or style of their implants, breast revision surgery is a viable option as well.
The ideal candidate for breast revision surgery in Long Island, NY is:
In good health
Not a smoker
Wants to increase/decrease the size of their breasts
Wants to correct breast asymmetry
Wants to address issues that developed with their implants, such as ruptures
Who are unhappy with the results of their past surgery
Who want to remove their implants permanently
Reasons for breast revision surgery
This cosmetic procedure can remove an implant that isn’t functioning properly, causing visible deformities to the breast, or is no longer wanted. Breast revision surgery can also be performed to replace an implant because of issues with sizing or a patient wants to change the type (saline or silicone) of breast implant previously used.
Here are eight common instances when a breast revision is recommended by Dr. Romanelli or Dr. Layliev in Long Island, NY:
1. Ruptured implants: While this is rare, breast implant rupture can occur and when it does, a saline implant will deflate quickly. A silicone implant rupture will only be detected by an MRI.
2. Capsular contracture pain: Scar tissue occurs when the soft tissue that surrounds your implant hardens. While most breast augmentations do have internal scarring, most patients aren’t aware that it’s there. However, in some instances, the hardening tissue could alter the placement of your implant, which results in an undesirable outcome, and a condition called capsular contracture. Surgical removal of the scar tissue allows the implant to sit properly.
3. Breast asymmetry: When implants look uneven, they may need to be corrected with a different size implant or with tissue expanders. Breast revision surgery can be performed to help achieve a more balanced look.
4. Bottoming out: This condition occurs when the breast drops too low. This is often due to where the implant was placed. To correct this, the board-certified plastic surgeons at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery will have to change the placement method of the implant. A breast lift may also be required to get the best outcome.
5. Rippling: Implant rippling is evident when you can see wrinkles or ripples under your skin. This usually occurs around the edges of an implant. Rippling is more common in women who are very thin or have thin skin on their breasts. This can be corrected by changing the implant pocket or by changing out the implant from a saline one to a silicone one.
6. Wanting a bigger or smaller breast size: Sometimes, breast revision surgery is simply because someone wants a different size implant. We can easily switch out an implant to a different type or size for our patients.
7. Symmastia: This occurs when your breast implants are too close to each other. This typically happens because the wrong shape, size, or width implant was chosen. We can repair this deformity by using an implant that works better for your specific frame more effectively.
8. Old implants: Yes, implants do need to be replaced. However, there’s no definitive timeline on when that needs to be done. During your consultation, Dr. Romanelli or Dr. Layliev can evaluate your current implants and offer you suggestions on whether or not you should replace your implants with breast revision surgery.
How to learn if breast revision surgery is for you
At Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. James Romanelli and Dr. John Layliev offer the option of breast revision surgery to their Long Island, NY-area patients at their Huntington, NY office. If you’re unhappy with your breast augmentation results, we invite you to schedule a consultation to learn more about your surgery options. There are many factors that go into choosing the proper approach to breast revision surgery. Our skilled team has years of experience helping patients get to their desired aesthetic results.