Bigger doesn’t always mean better, and this statement definitely rings true for women who have excessively large breasts. If you find your breasts bring more problems than pleasure then it may be time to consider your alternatives. A breast reduction surgery is an incredibly popular procedure that women undergo in order to achieve a breast size that’s more proportionate with their body. The procedure also helps alleviate some of the issues that are commonly associated with larger breasts, including skin issues and back and neck pain. The surgeons at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery treat many Long Island women seeking relief from their excessively large breasts and they’ve been incredibly pleased with their results and are happy to report that the scarring from the procedure is far less than they imagined.
What is the process like?
Reducing the size of your chest typically requires a two-step process involving a reduction and a lift. First the excess breast tissue and skin is removed in order to reduce the size of the breasts to a more manageable size. Removal of the breast tissue only solves part of the problem, as the breasts are now smaller, but the size of the areola is no longer proportionate with the size of the breasts and the breasts are still experiencing significant sag. Once the reduction has been completed, most patients then require a breast lift which helps reposition the breasts and nipples, and reduce the size of the areolas, and provide a perkier, more youthful appearance.
Types of breast lift techniques
The surgeons at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery in Huntington, NY rely on two popular breast lift techniques known as the lollipop method and the anchor method. Each has its own benefits and depending on your issues and goals your surgeon will recommend the method that will produce the best results. Women who have exceptionally large breasts also tend to have excessive sagging simply due to the weight of the breast tissue, as well as gravity working against them. The more extensive the sagging is, the longer the incisions will need to be in order to achieve a beautiful, natural looking result. While some scarring is inevitable, your surgeon will do their best to make the incision locations as inconspicuous as possible.
The lollipop incision
The lollipop incision, named for the shape of the incisions, is one of the most common types of breast lifts and requires a circular incision to be made around the areola and then a straight incision runs downward to the crease below the breast. The nipples, along with the resized areolas, are then lifted into their new position and the incisions are closed. This method is known to produce minimal scarring and dramatic improvement with the position and shape of the breast. A good candidate for this method is someone who is suffering from a small amount of sagging.
The anchor incision
The anchor incision, also known as the “inverted T” is more extensive and begins with the same incisions as the lollipop and also requires a horizontal incision to be made along the breast crease. While this procedure involves greater scarring, the life-changing results far outweigh the scars as the additional incision allows the surgeon to perform a more extensive reshaping of the breast. This type of breast lift works well on patients that have significant sagging and a large amount of breast tissue to be removed.
Benefits of the procedure
Patients who have undergone breast reduction surgery at our Huntington, NY plastic surgery center state that they feel like a completely different person and have a new lease on life. They are no longer plagued with neck, shoulder, and back pain. Exercising is no longer a challenge now that their large chests are no longer in the way, and a majority of their skin issues have cleared up because their breasts are no longer creating friction and causing painful rashes. Long Island area patients also love the way they look and feel in new clothing and are happy that shopping is no longer considered a chore since it’s much easier to find tops that fit their chest.
Incision scarring
While scarring with any surgical procedure is inevitable, the results from this procedure provide such positive effects on a patient’s life that the scarring will be the least of your worries. If you’re concerned about visible scarring, the incisions made during the surgery are usually thin and can be still be concealed by bikini tops or low cut shirts. The appearance of the incision will look and feel different as the scar begins to heal over time. Immediately following the surgery you can expect the incisions to appear red and slightly raised. As the incision begins to heal the scar will flatten and then fade from pink and then to white. It’s important to maintain proper care and wear sunscreen to help minimize the appearance of the scars.
What are the next steps?
If you’re considering a breast reduction surgery, but don’t know where to begin then please give our Long Island plastic surgery office a call. You can schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons to discuss the procedure in more detail. Your surgeon will review your medical history and conduct a physical examination. Your surgeon will also want to address the symptoms you’re experiencing due to your large breasts, along with what you expect to get out of the procedure.
A breast reduction surgery will not only change the way you live your life, but it can also be completed with minimal scarring. Contact Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery in Huntington, NY and get ready to enjoy a newfound freedom now that the weight has literally been lifted off of your chest.